Sony Hack: “It Doesn’t Quite Add Up.” Cyber Security Expert Aaron Bedra Joins Host Brian Engelman.

Software writer & information security professional Aaron Bedra joins “Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman to discuss the Sony hack.

Aaron says:
“My gut feeling is that there’s not enough information to say it’s absolutely North Korea”

Brian & Aaron discuss
– how long attribution takes to figure out where a hack came from,
– what kind of fingerprints do hackers leave behind.
– Is the smoking gun in this case the nationality of the computer involved?
– Does this attack amount to terrorism? (threats to theatres)
– Is is strange that North Korea didn’t take credit for the attack?

Plus: could this “hack” be a precursor to trying to implement another cyber security bill similar to CISPA, SOPA, PIPA, or ACTA?

& a whole lot more.

Please follow Aaron on Twitter @ABedra

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