“The Day The Liberal Media Died” (Set To Don McLean’s “American Pie”) 10_25_12 Brian & Blake Discuss

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman once again welcomes special guest co-host Blake “The Eccentric” Walley who discusses 10_25_12, or “The Day The Liberal Media Died”.
Blake highlighted that failures in leadership from the Obama White House led to the loss of 4 American lives in Benghazi, Libia.

Fox News covered the story, but Rachel Maddow, Stephen Colbert & Jon Stewart, completely dropped the ball in discussing the true important issues of the day to protect Barack Obama less than 2 weeks from the 2012 elections.

It is obvious that most of print & t.v. media is in the tank for left wing ideas & candidates, but never has this been more obvious than when the Benghazi nightmare details are leaking from Washington, & few from the left want to even touch the story.
