What Is Chewing Gum Made From & Is It Healthy?

Do you ever consider what chewing gum is made of? My research of topics such as GMOs, pesticides, the flu shot, have caused a chain reaction of study… What are the big companies are trying to feed us? Be it food, or lies.. This week, I look into chewing gum. It might change the way you look at your favorite breath freshener. I’d want to know if something wasn’t right. Is chewing gum really good for your dental health, and does it whiten teeth, like dentists and the FDA claim?

Gum originated from tree sap. Arab sugar traders were the first to mix sugar with acacia, know as gum Arabic. A natural gum made of hardened sap taken from two species of the Acacia tree. That doesn’t sound that so terrible, except for the sugar it sounds natural. Things changed when gum started being produced commercially. Along came the toxic ingredients, such as plastic, synthetic rubber, chemical sweeteners, carcinogens… the list goes on. The natural formulas changed around 1859, when a dried latex material (chicle), from the Sapodilla tree, was introduced. “Chicle gum” was patented in 1871. Now this is where it went wrong… 1885. Gum was “improved” with corn syrup and a peppermint flavor. From there, all kinds of questionable additives have entered the formulas.

Here is a list of major offenders:

Aspartame. Not only is it a known carcinogen, along with being a neurotoxin, it converts to formaldehyde when inside the body. Wait, there is more! Chewing gum with aspartame is worse than injecting it intravenously! Directly absorbed through the walls of the mouth, it goes directly to the brain. Not only is aspartame in gum, it is in almost every diet soda, energy drinks, candy…

Phenylalanine. This is sometimes added to aspartame. Effects being, mental retardation, brain seizures, sleep disorders, and anxiety. I am still wondering why these first two, are not banned.

Saccharin. Another known carcinogen. In 1971 it was linked to bladder cancer, which lead to a warning label. Strangely, in 2000, the United States government decided that the link to cancer was less of a concern to humans than rats, and the warning was repealed. Saccharin should still be avoided, regardless of the current legislation.

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), (crystalline fructose in drinks such a flavored waters): Prominent in highly processed foods, HFCS was introduced into the American food supply because it is cheap to produce. It is widely used in the commercial food industry. Look at your labels, it is in almost everything you buy from a grocery store. From bread, to cereal, fruit juices, catsup, horseradish, ice cream, yogurt, baked goods, even meat. Really? meat? wow. HFCS does not metabolize in the human body, it actually disables the body’s ability to recognize when it is full. It, instead, increases appetite. Stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, obesity..

BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene): The Department of Health and Human Services has labeled BHT as a carcinogen, yet the FDA allows it in our food supply! A preservative, also found in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, rubber, petroleum fluid, jet fuel, and two embalming fluids!! And they want us to chew on THIS, all day long?!

Knowing all of this, would you still believe the American Dental Association, when they endorse all kinds of commercial gums, like Trident? Trident, Wrigley’s Double Mint, Orbit, Bubble Yum, all have nasty ingredients like:
Artificial colors and flavors, GMO sugars, toxic preservatives, carcinogenic sugars, soy lecithin, and many more very scary things to ingest, chew, absorb.
Let alone, that habitual chewing and grinding can destroy the teeth. Many people believe that chewing strengthens the teeth and jaw, this is not the case. Also, chewing gum causes the body to produce digestive juices (hydrochloric acid). Tricking your body into overly producing these, can cause digestive problems. The acids are meant to break down actual food, not the internal organs such as the stomach, and intestines. Ouch!

People still believe that if they don’t swallow their gum, the harm is lessened. Chewing on gum, for prolonged amounts of time, allows the ingredients to be absorbed by the walls of the mouth, and into our system. At least when swallowed, the digestion process filters before passing through to the membranes. Although, I do not recommend swallowing gum either.

Do you still want to chew gum? I know a lot of you chew to freshen your breath. Being very easy to pop in a minty piece of gum, before meeting someone.

Fennel is the option. Fennel is a digestive, used to prevent gas, heartburn, bloating, upset stomach, freshen breath, improve eyesight, relieve hypertension, help coughs, and bronchitis. Doesn’t that sound like a much better option to chew on? All you need is 1/2 teaspoon to freshen and clean your breath. And remember you don’t have to spit the seeds out, because it is real food!

I feel as if I should give a “healthier” gum option, because I know that many of you, even knowing the risks, will still chew on occasion. I sometimes buy PÜR Gum. Made in Switzerland, they state that their gum is, “infused with antioxidants, PÜR is naturally coloured and flavored, vegan friendly, free of genetically modified organisms (GMO) and gluten-free.” This is the only gum I have come across, that doesn’t scare me.

As it turns out, chewing gum can be one of the most health threatening “foods” sold. If you must continue to chew, look into a better form of what you see at the conventional market. Go to a health food store, and read labels. If you see any of the above listed ingredients, stay far away from it. We shouldn’t chew on plastic. Until next time…. take care, my fellow humans.

Written By: TNAM Health Writer Helena van Zandbergen

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