Bugging Out Tips W/ Former Military Contractor Justin King & Host Brian Engelman

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman once again welcomes former military contractor & journalist Justin King of The Fifth Column News.

Justin & Brian discuss:

– the 3 most important things that people need to always keep in mind during a bug out scenario,
– when should a bug in situation change to a bug out situation?
– what one item, (that weighs nothing) is the most valuable thing to take if bugging out?

& much, much, much more!

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Spring Valley H.S. Students Walk Out To Protest Fired Cop. Blake Walley & Brian Engelman Discuss.

“Agree To Disagree” host Brian Engelman welcomes gonzo journalist Blake Walley to cover some interesting events from the past week including:

– HS students walk out of Spring Valley class to protest the firing of a cop who needed to remove a disruptive student,

– The GOP debate showed a ton of media bias, & now Judge Andrew Napolitano, Rush Limbaugh & others represent just a few new ideas of how to question the candidates,

– Edward Snowden might have had European charges dropped,…what does this mean for his eventual freedom?

– Why can Muslims win a court settlement for not delivering alcohol via semi, while Christians are fined for not baking cakes or issuing marriage licenses?

– Did Iceland handle their banking collapse completely differently than we did in the U.S.? Which method seems better?

& Much more.

Just take a listen & offer your comments.

– Please follow Blake on Twitter @Eccentric99
– & check out Blake’s home page at: www.EccentricPerspective.com

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