A Look Inside the ‘Largest Survival and Preparedness’ Expo

If you had to prepare for a disaster — a disaster of any kind — what would you need? This is exactly what the “Largest Survival and Preparedness EXPO in the USA” seeks to help visitors figure out. Read The Full Story From The Blaze


Hurricane Sandy, HAARP Weather Manipulation & Prepping Discussed By Brian Engelman & Blake Walley

As meteorologists track tropical storm Sandy and anticipate Hurricane Sandy veering toward Washington D.C. in the next few days, host Brian Engelman & special guest co-host Blake Walley discuss the impact that this could have on the 2012 U.S. elections.

Brian & Blake also discuss some of the items to obtain as people on the East coast “Prep” for at least 2 weeks without power. Important items include clean water, non-perishable food, pet food, medications, batteries, guns, & other items to help ride out a difficult multi-week period of “post-hurricane” cleanup.
